"Where did all these cats come from?" |
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There are many benefits to neutering, not only preventing kittens but reducing infectious disease, injuries and unwanted behaviours such as spraying and fighting.
Find out all the details by reading Cats Protection's Neutering Essential Guide. Neutering is so important Cats Protection even provide translated versions of this advice - see the Welsh version here.
Microchipping is the best method of identification for your cat. It is permanent and does not put them at risk of collar related injuries - we have a cat in care at the moment who had unfortunately been suffering for a long time with a collar injury as would not allow himself to be caught for treatment. Our branch volunteers have finally got their hands on "Houdini" and he has had his wound cleaned. It will be a long road to recovery but he is now safe and receiving lots of TLC.
Houdini - Houdini's collar injury |
The microchip registration is completed for you by the vet and all you have to do is keep hold of the database details and ensure you amend the registration whenever you move house or change any contact details, otherwise it can be impossible to trace you. Find out all you need to know in the Cats Protection Microchipping leaflet.
Find your nearest vet on the main campaign page - the map will update as more vets sign up to the scheme - or ring the main Neutering helpline. This scheme is organised by the National Cat Centre, not the Colwyn and District Branch, so please refer to the main campaign page or the helpline number.
*£5 Plus any additional costs stipulated by individual vets.